Discussion paper on Ultra Wide Band communication devices released
The Ministry of Economic Development has released a public discussion paper on spectrum allocations for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) communication devices.
Potential applications for such devices include high speed wireless networking in the workplace or at home, high precision location of moving or stationary items in sports, agriculture and warehousing industries, and applications in multimedia and entertainment.
UWB communication technology operates in spectrum spanning the range between 3.1 GHz and 10.6 GHz, and is intended to be used within a ’public park’ licensing framework. This paper solicits the opinions of UWB vendors, potential UWB users, existing spectrum users, and other stakeholders on the most appropriate approach to the licensing of UWB communications devices in New Zealand.
Interim licensing arrangements have been in place to accommodate this technology since October 2005, pending international developments.
“More definitive regulations are now being considered as a result of international standards maturing and the growing interest in UWB communication applications,” the Ministry said.
Submissions close on 15 May 2008.
The report is available at http://www.rsm.govt.nz/cms/policy-and-planning/current-projects/radiocommunications/spectrum-allocation-for-ultra-wide-band-devices .
For enquiries, contact the Ministry’s Radio Spectrum Policy and Planning group at radiospectrum@med.govt.nz.