Dunne welcomes Pharmac's website

Tuesday 15 April 2008, 2:18PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne has welcomed the launch of PHARMAC’s new website

“Consultation during the development of Medicines New Zealand highlighted the importance of effective communication with the public, and this new website is a great response to those findings,” he said.

“PHARMAC’s website is used tens of thousands of times a week, by doctors, the pharmaceutical industry, District Health Boards and patients.

“This new website will provide clearer information on how New Zealand’s medicines funding system works, what PHARMAC does, and how the public can have their opinion heard through PHARMAC’s consultation processes.

“In the 21st century, an organisation’s website is its showroom. An increasing number of New Zealanders expect that they can find the answers to their questions online.”

Medicines New Zealand is the national medicines strategy developed as a result of the confidence and supply agreement between UnitedFuture and the Labour-led government, and was released by the Minister of Health and Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne in December 2007.

It is a strategic framework that outlines how our medicines system can deliver the best outcomes for New Zealanders.

The partner document, Actioning Medicines New Zealand, outlines specific actions to fulfil that vision, including:

• Stakeholders, including consumers, will be encouraged to provide their views on medicines-funding applications, which will then be considered in the application process.

• Opportunities for stakeholder input will be publicised and consumers will be provided with guidance on how to contribute to PHARMAC’s decisions.

• Develop user friendly and linked websites across the medicines system so stakeholders can easily navigate the medicines system and find the information they require.

“There’s more to come on implementing Actioning Medicines New Zealand, but it’s pleasing to already see progress is already being made,” said Mr Dunne.