Low Incomes, Not High Prices, The Problem

Wednesday 16 April 2008, 10:17AM

By Rodney Hide


The only way to take the pressure off hard-working Kiwi families is to ensure more money in their pockets to offset the soaring costs of petrol and food, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.

"The real problem facing the nation is not high prices - it's low incomes and lack of economic growth," Mr Hide said.

"The media has revealed that people are going without meat and dairy products, are struggling to meet the cost of petrol and cannot afford to pay their children's school fees. Further, financial advice services report that they are being approached by increasing numbers of middle-income families seeking budgeting advice on how to survive.

"The wealth of the country is determined by the wealth of its people, not by the wealth of its Government - and certainly not by Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen over-taxing hard-working New Zealanders.

"We need to boost growth and boost incomes. We do that by getting government under control, by cutting taxes and slashing red tape," Mr Hide said.