Cardno TCB convicted for breach of consent

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Wednesday 16 April 2008, 1:43PM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



The Environment Court has convicted Resource Management consultants Cardno TCB for failing to comply with a developer's resource consent while piping a tributary of Duck Creek within the James Cook Connection subdivision in Whitby.

The company pleaded guilty to the charges brought by Greater Wellington and has agreed to undertake environmental works to the value of $6,000. The company will also contribute $4,000 towards costs of the court case.

The company failed to carry out the piping works to address ecological effects in accordance with the consent's agreed method. The new pipe was to be installed and the flow from the tributary diverted into it. However, the company used a different method. The incident occurred in March last year.

Greater Wellington environmental regulation team leader Miranda Robinson said the breach of consent was disappointing.

She said Duck Creek and its tributaries contained nationally threatened freshwater fauna. Failure to install the new pipe and divert the flow meant there may have been adverse effects on stream life.

However, she welcomed Cardno TCB's guilty plea and its willingness to put things right. "Cardno TCB regrets the incident and has been very cooperative with us throughout the enforcement process."

Environmental Regulation manager Al Cross said Greater Wellington was keen to send a clear message that it had little tolerance for significant breaches and would take any necessary action to protect the environment.

"The success of the recent actions before the Environment Court in our view shows that the Court will hold a firm line where significant breaches occur," Mr Cross said.