Same false and tired myths from Mr Ryall

Infonews Editor

Monday 21 May 2007, 12:09PM

By Infonews Editor


The Labour-led Government has increased health spending by 99 percent since 1999 and that money has meant a big gain in healthcare for New Zealanders, Health Minister Pete Hodgson says.

The predictable, tired myths coming from National health spokesman Tony Ryall are designed to distort the truth and mask the fact the National Party has no ideas and no policy.

Since 1999, under a Labour-led Government, immunisation rates have gone up, infant mortality has gone down, smoking is down, breast screening is up, mental health services are way better. There are 4000 more nurses who are now better paid, 1000 more doctors, more transparency in the hospital booking system, better primary healthcare with cheaper doctor visits and prescription charges. There is more elective surgery and New Zealanders have a longer life expectancy.

"The health system works every day for tens of thousands of New Zealanders and far from lacking a sense of purpose and direction, it just keeps on working, unlike the days when Mr Ryall's party was in power and the system lurched from one crisis to another," Pete Hodgson says.

"Mr Ryalls needs to acknowledge the work this Government is doing in health instead of repeating the same old myths that are only designed to paint an entirely false picture of the health system," Pete Hodgson says.

Yesterday's Budget continued to build on the achievements in health:

· Aged residential care $150 million
· Home-based support services for over 65 years $81.2 million
· Home-based disability support services $32 million
· Residential services for disabled for under 65 years $44 million
· Environmental Support services for disabled $48.3 million
· Get Checked diabetes expand to cardiovascular disease $13.2 million
· Primary mental healthcare $21 million
· Programmes to prevent family violence $11.2 million
· Cancer control action $26 million
· Support for family caregivers $6.4 million
· Cochlear implants $8.4 million