Mayoral Ward Clinics Launched
Wellington residents are invited to meet Mayor Kerry Prendergast and their local ward councillors at a series of Saturday morning ward clinics starting in the Southern Ward this Saturday 3 May.
The clinics, to be held throughout the year, are part of a year-long pilot to provide an opportunity for residents to discuss with the Mayor and Councillors any Council-related issues they may have in their community.
"I regularly meet with Wellington MPs and they have told me that many of the issues raised at their electorate ward clinics are Council-related issues," says Mayor Prendergast.
"I also know how difficult it is for people to get to see me or their ward councillors – we all lead such busy lives with full schedules – but I'm hoping these ward clinics will make it easier and provide people with an opportunity to come to talk to us in an informal environment at a time that suits them," Mayor Prendergast says.
The first of the clinics will be held on Saturday 3 May at the Newtown Community Hall on the corner of Rintoul and Colombo Streets between 9.30am and 11.30am.
The second will be held at the Kilbirnie / Lyall Bay Community Centre on Bay Road between 9.30am and 11.30am on Saturday 24 May.
Clinics in the Northern, Lambton and Western wards will be held later in the year.
Mayor Prendergast says no appointment is necessary. "Any Southern Ward resident who wants to talk to either myself or Councillors Pepperell and Wade-Brown about an issue in their community can do so this Saturday morning at the Newtown Community Hall.
"If we can provide the information they are seeking, or address their issue for them at the time, we will do so. If not, we will bring the issue back to Council and make sure they receive a response as soon as possible."
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