Auckland rail: "Where's the money coming from John?"

Green Party

Thursday 1 May 2008, 10:13AM

By Green Party



The Green Party wants to know how National intends funding electrification of Auckland’s rail network.

Greens Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says John Key must say who would fund National Party transport spokesman Maurice Williamson’s promise to Auckland that removing the proposed regional fuel tax would not stop the electrification of rail.

“The fuel tax is designed to service a loan to electrify rail, so saying they will borrow instead doesn’t cut it. We are already borrowing,” Ms Fitzsimons says.

“If he’s saying he will pass the interest costs on to our kids as well, they will already be paying higher prices for food and transport.

“Is this a spend now - pay later programme? Or is he proposing to turn the rail project over to a private company and allow them to put up fares to cover their borrowing?

“Money doesn’t come from nowhere. John Key wants to cut taxes and remove the fuel tax. He is making lots of spending promises and he still wants the taxpayer to pick up more of our climate change responsibilities to shelter farming and big business even further.

“Where’s the money coming from John?”