Consent granted for Overseas Passenger Terminal redevelopment

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Friday 2 May 2008, 8:13AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



A Greater Wellington Hearing Committee has granted consent for a proposal to develop the Overseas Passenger Terminal into an apartment and retail complex.

The resource consent application, lodged by Capital Wharf Limited & Wellington Waterfront Limited involves redeveloping the existing building into an apartment complex with a mezzanine and four levels above wharf level and one level below for parking, with a maximum height of approximately 21.4 metres.

The proposed development also includes structural strengthening of the Clyde Quay Wharf, wharf public space development and a low-level jetty extension at the Wharf's northern end.

The Committee considered the proposal was consistent with the Resource Management Act, the Wellington Regional Policy Statement, the Regional Coastal Plan, the Wellington City District Plan and the Wellington Waterfront Framework.

"The Hearing Committee determined that there would be significant benefits to Wellington city from the proposal and that its potential adverse effects were not significant enough to decline the application," Greater Wellington Environmental Regulation team leader Miranda Robinson said.

She said that the Committee had concluded that the construction related issues, including noise and traffic had been adequately addressed by the applicants at the hearing stage.

It also concluded that the heritage values of the Clyde Quay Wharf and the Overseas Passenger Terminal would be provided for and that the proposed design still maintained links to the original building's character and retained its landmark quality.

It also felt that the proposed activities associated with the redevelopment would add to the quality of open space and increase activity and greater public use of the site contributing positively to the economy.

Although the Committee has granted the consent submitters may appeal the decision within 15 working days.

A copy of the decision is available at the Environment Helpdesk, Level 3, Greater Wellington Regional Centre, 142 Wakefield Street. Click here for a copy of the decision. Get details on how to lodge an appeal.

Overseas Passenger Terminal resource consent Q & A

What does the proposal involve?

The application to GW relates to the proposed redevelopment and use of Clyde Quay Wharf and the Overseas Passenger Terminal building. The wharf is to retain its existing footprint, with the exception of a low-level jetty extension at the north end. The building footprint on the wharf will increase. The proposed building redevelopment consists of a mezzanine and four levels above wharf level and one below, with a maximum height of approximately 21.4 metres. The below-wharf level is to be used for parking; the wharf level for public uses; mixed residential and public uses at mezzanine level; and residential apartments are to occupy the four remaining upper levels.

What's the Hearing Committee's decision?

The Hearing Committee has granted resource consent for the proposed development, subject to the conditions set out in its decision.

In reaching its decision the Hearing Committee considered that:

• the proposed redevelopment will make an overall positive contribution to the waterfront’s amenities;

• potential adverse effects have been appropriately avoided, remedied or mitigated, including effects on the heritage values of the Clyde Quay Wharf (a listed heritage feature) and the OPT building and effects on the operation of the Chaffers Marina;

• the proposal was consistent with the purposes and principles of the Resource Management Act, the Wellington Regional Policy Statement, the Regional Coastal Plan, Wellington City District Plan or the Wellington Waterfront Framework.

What information has the Hearing Committee considered in making its decision?

The Hearing Committee considered evidence from the applicant, including architectural, heritage, engineering, environmental, economic, landscape, urban design and planning assessments, as well as the views of 17 submitters, the GW officer and advisors to the GW officer. Additional information was also presented about heritage, effects on the marina, natural hazards, wind, traffic, noise, vibration, and view shafts

Why does the Hearing Committee's decision differ from the GW officer's report?

The GW Officer's report released prior to the hearing concluded that the proposal had the potential to have some significant effects particularly around heritage values of the wharf and on activities on the adjacent Chaffers Marina. It concluded that the applicant had not provided enough information to consider that these effects would be appropriately avoided, remedied or mitigated.

The Officer's recommendation was modified at the end of the hearing to recommend that consent be granted. It concluded that the adverse effects identified in the initial report would be mitigated to an appropriate extent through a combination of measures suggested by the applicant in the hearing and additional consent conditions around heritage values, construction noise, traffic management, wharf maintenance and sediment management.

What happens now?

Although the Committee has granted the consent, submitters have 15 working days to appeal the decision. Get details on how to lodge an appeal.

Where can I get more information?

A copy of the decision is available at the Environment Helpdesk, Level 3, Greater Wellington Regional Centre, 142 Wakefield Street. Click here for an electronic version.