Buy Kiwi Made Fund Grants Announced

Infonews Editor

Friday 25 May 2007, 12:47PM

By Infonews Editor


The Buy Kiwi Made campaign has got behind New Zealand's Olympic team by promoting the fact that the athletes and officials will be wearing New Zealand made uniforms, Government Spokesperson on Buy Kiwi Made, Sue Bradford says.

The initiative was one of three successful projects that promote New Zealand made goods, together granted a total of $490 120, in the first round of Buy Kiwi Made Sector and Regional Initiatives Fund grants.

Kapiti-Horowhenua-based DesignTex, which is owned by a cluster of companies, intends to enter into a contract to supply the Olympic apparel for the New Zealand Olympic Committee.

"Now with the help of Buy Kiwi Made funding of $252 000, DesignTex can help to build the profile of the apparel industry in New Zealand through a new 'Kiwi Made' apparel brand," says Ms Bradford.

An initiative supported by Business New Zealand Inc through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Buy New Zealand Made Campaign Ltd, has been granted $149 870. This project involves using New Zealand's most widely-read newspapers to support the Buy Kiwi Made initiative, through advertising, information and editorial.

The entire manufacturing jewellery sector will benefit from a grant of $88 250 to the Jewellery Manufacturers Federation of NZ Inc.

"This project, which involves a cluster of manufacturers, is exactly the type of thing that we believe the Buy Kiwi Made programme should support. The sector will develop a strategy for growth, including a marketing plan and the development of an industry hallmark to symbolise the quality of New Zealand manufactured jewellery."

"It was disappointing to see that only three of the 33 applications got through the rigorous assessment criteria, however, we have brought the next round forward to July 16 and hope that once feedback is received from the last round many of these projects will be revised and resubmitted.
There are two funding rounds left, scheduled to distribute the remaining $2.5 million.

"The media marketing campaign is well on track for launch mid-year and I am looking forward to the boost this will give to Buy Kiwi Made," says Ms Bradford.


Fran Tyler, Green Party Media Coordinator, 04 470 6679, 021 473 900

Background Information

The Labour-Green Cooperation Agreement sets out very broadly the requirements for Buy Kiwi Made. In 2006 Cabinet decided to establish a fund to support sectoral and regional projects associated with Buy Kiwi Made.

The purpose of the fund is to:
. provide support for sectoral and regionally based initiatives that have demonstrable economic merit and are consistent with promoting the objectives of the agreed policy framework of Buy Kiwi Made, but that do not meet the criteria or timing of other government assistance programmes; and
. Assist sectors and regions to develop business capability and enable them to engage in projects that will lead to substantial economic benefits by promoting the objectives of Buy Kiwi Made.

Value of the Fund
The total value of the fund is $3 million, to be distributed in three funding rounds. Up to $1.5 million was allocated for the first round in 2007, up to $1m was allocated to the second round and a final round, planned for March 2008, was initially allocated $0.5m plus any under spend from previous rounds.

For the first funding round, $490120 has been allocated.

The value of the remaining fund is $2 509 880. How this will be allocated across the remaining rounds has yet to be determined.

Funding Rounds
The first of three funding rounds has concluded. While the amount allocated in the first round is less than anticipated, this will flow through to the remaining two rounds for distribution.

The second round opens on 16 July 2007 and funding decisions are expected to be made before the end of the year.

How the fund is administered
The fund is administered by the Ministry of Economic Development. It is a contestable fund, which ensures that the successful projects are those with clearly demonstrated support and with the greatest chance of achieving spill-overs for the relevant sector and the local region.

An application form and detail on the funding criteria, agreed to by Cabinet, are made available to potential applicants. Information on the funding rounds and deadlines for submission are also found on the Ministry's website

All applications are assessed against the Cabinet criteria by the Ministry and finally by an independent panel. All applicants must meet all criteria to be eligible for funding.

The Ministry of Economic Development makes recommendations to the Minister of Finance, Minister for Industry and Regional Development and the Government Spokesperson on Buy Kiwi Made who make final funding decisions. Once decisions are made and the applicants advised of the outcome, the Ministry proceeds to develop funding contacts for the successful applicants.

Funding criteria
Funding can only be provided where the applicant makes or obtains an equal financial contribution to the project. This contribution should not include any 'in-kind' contributions but be on a strictly financial basis. This requirement will help to ensure the quality of the project and the buy-in and commitment to the project from the stakeholders. It will also help to reduce incentives for funding to be used for 'business-as-usual' activities.

The full Cabinet criteria and parameters for the fund are that:
1. Projects must lead to substantial economic benefits by promoting the objectives of and the policy framework for Buy Kiwi Made and the profile of the Buy New Zealand Made Campaign Ltd. Projects with benefits that spill over to other sectors or regions will be favoured;
2. Applications will be from a representative group in sectors or regions; or a cross-sector or cross-regional group;
3. The proposed project will have strong industry or regional support such as from industry members, local government, economic development agencies, iwi and community groups;
4. The initiative will not crowd out private sector activity;
5. The initiative is in the form of discrete projects, that have clear milestones that can be monitored and measured;
6. The initiative will be consistent with the government's broader economic, social and environmental objectives or obligations;
7. The initiative will be based on partial project funding, with an equal financial contribution to be made or obtained by the funding applicant ('in-kind' contributions will not be included in this contribution;)
8. The initiative will be financially self-supporting at the completion of government support;
9. Projects must be New Zealand based and focused;
10. A fund recipient must be a legal entity;
11. Projects must be consistent with New Zealand law and international obligations;
12. Proposals must not meet the criteria of existing government assistance programmes; or meet the criteria of existing funds but not the timing of these funds, where a delay would likely lead to a loss of economic opportunity.