National votes against KiwiSaver

Infonews Editor

Friday 25 May 2007, 12:50PM

By Infonews Editor


They would rather spend our way to prosperity and send the bill to our children. That really is voodoo economics.


National today voted against the Budget legislation, underlining its opposition to the very initiatives that will help to build a stronger economy and a fairer society, Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.

"Last week it voted against the company tax rate cut, the employee tax credit for KiwiSaver, and a lower tax rate on savings vehicles. And it voted against sending legislation to a select committee to introduce a tax credit for research and development and lifting the cap on donations to charities.

"By voting against the Budget today National is voting against:
Enhancing KiwiSaver to help more people save
Business tax changes to improve productivity and competitiveness
Electrification of Auckland rail
Roading improvements
Expanding industry training
Improving health services
Reducing class sizes
Extra police

"It is not surprising National voted a cut in the company tax rate - that's consistent as National never voted for the last cut to the company rate in 1988, also by a Labour government.

"It is also not surprising National voted against KiwiSaver. National MPs secretly think KiwiSaver is good, but can't make up their minds.

"It should read the signs. The business community is coming strongly behind KiwiSaver. Just today Air New Zealand announced it is going to contribute 4 per cent right from the beginning of KiwiSaver on 1 July.

"Now we know what National is against, what are they for? Borrowing to finance personal tax cuts. They would rather spend our way to prosperity and send the bill to our children. That really is voodoo economics."