Hamilton Zoo welcomes baby Cotton-topped Tamarin

Hamilton City Council

Tuesday 6 May 2008, 3:16PM

By Hamilton City Council



Hamilton Zoo is thrilled to announce the arrival of a new baby Cotton-topped Tamarin.

The baby, whose sex is still unknown, was born on March 31 to parents, Florence and Lucas. Florence was born at Hamilton Zoo in February 1998 and Lucas was born at Perth Zoo in February 2004 and transferred to Hamilton Zoo in 2007 as part of the Australasian breeding programme.

As is common practice with Cotton-topped Tamarins, father Lucas is responsible for looking after the baby during the day before handing it back to its mother for feeding.

"The baby is doing extremely well and is now venturing off Dad's back during the day for small amounts of time," said Zoo Director Stephen Standley.

Mr Standley said he expects the baby Cotton-topped Tamarin to remain at Hamilton Zoo for at least two years, as it is likely to help its parents to raise any future babies. However the final decision on whether it will be transferred to another zoo will be made by the breeding programme coordinator based at Melbourne Zoo.

Originating from North West Colombia, Cotton-topped Tamarins have a streak of long white hair on their heads, which they raise as a mild threat.

The endangered species live in extended family groups with a single breeding female. Older siblings also stay with their parents and often forage for the family.

Breeding in captivity is not unusual for Cotton-topped Tamarins, which live on a diet of fruit, flowers, gum and animal matter including insects, mice and birds.

Visitors to the zoo are able to get good viewing opportunities now that the baby is exploring its enclosure.

The zoo keepers will give the baby a name once its gender is known