Nats using rubber numbers with immigration

Infonews Editor

Friday 25 May 2007, 8:50PM

By Infonews Editor


A desperate National Party is using rubber numbers with its claim that Kiwis going to Australia are being replaced with Asians.


A desperate National Party is using rubber numbers with its claim that Kiwis going to Australia are being replaced with Asians, says Immigration Minister David Cunliffe.

"Twelve thousand more people moved to New Zealand than left it in the 12 months to 31 March despite the tremendous international competition for skilled migrants," Mr Cunliffe said.

"A total of 1586 people - returning New Zealanders and foreigners - are moving to New Zealand on average every week because it is such a fantastic place to live. What is more, over the long term, three-quarters of Kiwis who go overseas eventually come home."

National's immigration spokesman Lockwood Smith was quoted as saying: "To be losing good New Zealanders to Australia, Europe and the Americas, and to have to survive by having more Asian people come to New Zealand is a little bit troubling."

Mr Cunliffe said Dr Smith's statement showed the sheep's clothing was falling off National's wolf. "Not since the dark days of Dr Brash at Orewa have the 'hollow men' stooped this low.

"Asian New Zealanders are some of the hardest-working members of our community. To single them out in a negative fashion, like Dr Smith does, is disgraceful. What does National MP Pansy Wong have to say about this?

"In any case, National's rubber numbers ignore the fact that the largest single source of migrants is the United Kingdom. The latest Department of Labour Quarterly Migration Update, quoted selectively by Dr Smith, shows that 10,324 permanent or long term arrivals in the year to 31 March were from the UK.

"This Labour-led government is working hard to ensure that all New Zealanders, new and Kiwi-born, can make the best of their potential. We are also working to attract expat Kiwis back, through the NZ Now campaign and strengthening expatriate networks through KEA (Kiwi Expat Association).

"National playing with rubber numbers cannot hide the fact that New Zealand gains more people in the international brain exchange than it loses.

"National has no immigration policy whatsoever and is simply trying to divert attention from the fact they have been thumped by an outstanding KiwiSaver Budget."