Massey website NetGuide finalist

Monday 12 May 2008, 4:51PM

By Massey University


Massey’s website was a finalist in the 2008 People’s Choice NetGuide Web Awards, in the education category. The NetGuide awards are decided by online voting and this year more than 70,000 votes were cast.

Acting director of marketing Sarah Vining says this is the first time the Massey website has been a finalist in the NetGuide awards, which are highly regarded among the online industry and a strong indicator of how well a website is performing.

“The University’s website has undergone a radical redesign over the last two years with a focus on usability and consistency of design and information, which included the migration of much of the site into a content management system.

“It was especially pleasing that these awards are voted for by users of the site, this is recognition that the changes implemented have vastly improved the experience for visitors to our site, certainly we are now headed in the right direction with a number of new enhancements currently under development to be introduced later in the year.”

The University’s website received approximately 7.5 million visitors and more than 35 million page impressions in the last year.