Chain fitting demo
Residents will be offered an opportunity to dust off their chain fitting skills at demos at Wanaka and Queenstown, Queenstown Lakes District Council emergency management officer Brenden Winder said.
“We cannot really emphasise enough how important it is to carry chains if you own a vehicle in the Lakes District but there’s not much point in owning them if they don’t fit properly or if you have no idea how to fit them,” Mr Winder said.
Two highly experienced members of the Downer EDI Works Limited team (QLDC road maintenance contractor) would be on hand to show people how to fit chains, give chain advice to those without chains and show individuals how to safely fit their own chains.
Ice scrapers and winter driving tips would be handed out at the demo and residents would also be encouraged to check their radiator anti-freeze.
“It’s a great opportunity to make sure you are prepared this winter,’ Mr Winder said.
In particular it was hoped new residents to the area, unaccustomed to winter conditions, would take the opportunity to get some advice from the experts.
The demos would take place this weekend on Saturday 17 May from 1-4pm at the Queenstown Primary School car park and the following weekend on Saturday 24 May from 1-4pm in the lake front car park, opposite Shooters Bar at Wanaka.