Hui a hapu to discuss Plan Change 38

Tuesday 13 May 2008, 2:48PM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District Council is participating in a hui a hapu to discuss Plan Change 38 . This applies to development which may affect the natural character of coastal areas. The hui will focus on the effects of the Plan Change on coastal subdivision and how it can protect tangata whenua values surrounding the costal environment.

The hui will take place at Waimarama Marae from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm on Wednesday 21 May 2008.
Ian Macdonald, Hastings District Council’s Environmental Manager, said, following the hui, a decision would be made on the best way forward for Plan Change 38.

“This is about making sure we are able to consider how rural coastal areas are developed, in a more rigorous manner. Currently, when we look at development proposals, we have very little ability to consider the special characteristics of the coastal environment” said Mr Macdonald.

Plan Change 38 applies to rural zone land within the coastal environment. If adopted it will change the District Plan provisions for subdivision allowing Council to consider public notification and whether the application should be granted or not. The plan change has greatest effect on titles of 40 hectares and more.

Hastings District Council has organised a bus to take people to the hui. The bus will leave from 207 Lyndon Road in Hastings at 4.45pm on 21 May. Those wishing to use the special bus service should contact Shane Lambert at the Council.