Moving forward on Waitaki's roads

Waitaki District Council

Wednesday 21 May 2008, 12:35PM

By Waitaki District Council



A new round of public consultation was approved by Council yesterday on long-term roading options designed to meet the projected needs of the District’s land transport system over the next ten years.


The Waitaki District Roading Review, completed in 2007, found that many of the District’s roading policies, set between 16 to 18 years ago, fall short of serving the District’s roading needs, particularly in light of the current and projected traffic volumes associated with increased tourism, irrigation and economic development in the District.


As a consequence, a Land Transport Strategy has been drafted and a number of roading policies have been under review. The draft strategy is to give direction to and provide for a quality land transport system for the next ten years. It acknowledges that the District’s land transport system is increasingly under monetary pressure with increased traffic and economic development and recommends that Waitaki’s land transport goal be amended to include the words “affordable and sustainable” in the description of Waitaki’s desired land transport system.


A review of the policy that relates to the Roading Network Hierarchy has resulted in a proposal to reclassify the status of a number of routes in the Waitaki District based on their present volume of traffic, and on the projected increase in volume that some routes will be subject to.


A review of the Carriageway (Road) Width Standards, set in policy 18 years ago, found that those standards are no longer acceptable and that narrow lane and shoulder widths are high-risk features. The draft proposal includes recommendations to set new criteria for width standards. Likewise a review of the Seal Extension Policy is recommending that new criteria be set for the prioritising of unsealed roads to be sealed.


Consultation on the draft policy changes and draft Land Transport Strategy will be advertised by Council and will take place over the next month, beginning on 29 May. Once submissions have been received, the draft strategy and policies will be amended as necessary, and recommendations will be included into the 2009/19 Draft Waitaki Community Plan for further consultation.