Permitted burn season approaches hill and high country

Environment Canterbury

Friday 23 May 2008, 12:21AM

By Environment Canterbury



As the hill and high country burn season approaches Environment Canterbury highlights the need for landowners to contact them if they are going to burn.

Environment Canterbury needs to be notified at least five days in advance and land-owners need to supply a topographical map of the area. They can then find out if the proposed burning plan meets ECan’s permitted activity rules.

“In most cases it costs nothing and it can prevent damage to the environment and the need for enforcement action,” says ECan enforcement team leader Tony Smith.

Last year many burns were undertaken without notification resulting in enforcement action. A Waitaki landowner, who allegedly burnt in excess of 700 hectares in breach of the rules, is currently being prosecuted.

Depending on the location, the burn season starts on June 1 or July 1 and finishes on October 31. (For the coastal hills areas from Waipara to Kekerengu and for Banks Pensinsula, the start is June 1.)

Environment Canterbury is sending a letter to Federated Farmers to ask them to use their networks to remind landowners of their responsibilities.

For more information on hill and high country burning visit ECan’s website on or call Fiona Willox (south of the Rakaia River) 03 684 0549 or Lucy Bowker (north of the Rakaia River) 03 363 9361.

For more information: Customer Services on 0800 765 588.