Tizard Defends Proposed Emission Standards Consultation

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 29 May 2007, 11:42AM

By Infonews Editor


The proposed Emission Standards for consultation document was released because some of New Zealand's vehicle fleet is causing illness and disease to New Zealanders.


Some people in the used vehicle industry seem intent on whipping up a climate of fear around the proposed changes.

We released the proposed Emission Standards for consultation because some of New Zealand's vehicle fleet is causing illness and disease to New Zealanders.

On Friday 25 May the government released proposals for new vehicle exhaust emission standards designed to improve air quality and protect public health. This document is currently open for public consultation.

These standards have generated welcomed debate but some of the claims being made are very extreme and raising fears amongst the public about things which may never happen. This is why we are consulting on the standard," said Associate Minister of Transport Judith Tizard.

The government has worked with key industry stakeholders such as the Independent Motor Vehicles Dealers' Association, Motor Trade Association, Motor Industry Association and others over the last six years on improving New Zealand's vehicle fleet to improve air quality and health.

The government acknowledges that the Rule will have implications for the used vehicle industry and its associated industries, but it is important to note that the draft Rule is being circulated for public consultation, it is not final government policy - this is the point of the consultation process.

We see no reason that car prices would rise by the amounts being quoted by some Ms Tizard said. An eight year old car, which is the average age of imported cars, will not suddenly increase in cost as a result of this rule. What the rule would do though is progressively stop older cars from being imported. That's not the same thing as a 50% rise in costs.

"Poor air quality resulting from harmful vehicle emissions can seriously affect people's health. Poor exhaust systems can result in emissions which could cause ill health, disease and death. These health related costs are real costs too, and many people have been demanding speedy action to prevent these problems. Minister Tizard said.

A report produced in 2002 for the Ministry of Transport showed that around 400 people died prematurely each year from vehicle exhaust emissions.

"We want to ensure that New Zealand benefits from the international advances made in technology and emissions standards. I look forward to continuing to work with all interested parties to develop polices that will reduce harmful emissions from vehicles and welcome alternative proposals that will achieve our goals of improved air quality" said the Minister.

"I strongly encourage the public and industry alike to make a submission on this important issue and look forward to the results of the consultation process".

Further information is available at the Land Transport New Zealand website at