Key shows contradictions yet again

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 29 May 2007, 3:48PM

By Infonews Editor


"It's a confusing economic recipe that must worry Bill English. What he really wants to do is, unlike Bill English, be all things to all people.


National leader John Key has once again underlined his differences with Bill English on Campbell Live last night.

"The interview was full of the sort of economic double speak that would make Bill English shiver.

"When asked if he was going to pour more money into education Mr Key bluntly says 'we have to'.

"When asked about building more prisons - he says the private sector can do that. Well, that costs money too.

"But on the other hand he says he will 'grow spending at a lower rate and have different priorities. There are elements in Working for Families and there may be elements in KiwiSaver.'

"He's already confirmed National would cut the extension to Working for Families and he now suggests the extension to KiwiSaver is at risk.

"Slowing the growth in spending really means little new money for health and no wage increases for doctors, nurses and teachers. It also contradicts his commitment to pour more money into education.

"But when challenged that tax cuts could be inflationary, he replies 'if you are substituting one for the other there might not be some.' That sounds like big spending cuts to ensure tax cuts are not inflationary.

"So what does John Key really stand for - more spending? Less spending? Borrowing for tax cuts? Slashing spending to afford tax cuts?

"It's a confusing economic recipe that must worry Bill English. What he really wants to do is, unlike Bill English, be all things to all people. And that's why on Sunday on radio he said he would borrow for tax cuts and extra spending so nobody misses out.

"He's not really bribing you with your money, he wants to bribe you with your children's money. No wonder he admires Rob Muldoon so much - borrow and hope was precisely his mantra and look at the mess that left the country in."