Formal feedback on V8s closing this week

Hamilton City Council

Monday 26 May 2008, 4:26PM

By Hamilton City Council



The process of gathering feedback on the Hamilton 400 V8 event from interested parties will close off at the end of this week to ensure momentum is maintained on the formal review.

Council and the promoters have already received hundreds of comments endorsing the event as well as a variety of suggestions for improvement in future years. Many of the comments have come as a result of three public meetings that have been held with the Frankton community and city retailers.

Feedback for incorporation into the formal review can still be sent to until the end of the day on Friday.

Comments and suggestions received to date are being reviewed and sorted so that they can be assigned to the appropriate part of the review in order to create the most value from the feedback.

The V8 review is likely to release findings and recommendations as information and reports are completed.

In the meantime, Council and Hamilton 400 event organisers have agreed to leave some minor parts of the event infrastructure in place in Frankton to ensure best use of resources and the ongoing management of traffic in the area.

Some concrete barriers are to remain at key points including the Founders roundabout and along Mill Street. As well as having practical traffic management application, the barriers serve as a reminder and celebration of the fact that the Hamilton 400 is now an integral part of Frankton and the city.