Green Party Annual Conference, Auckland University Waipapa marae, updated programme

Green Party

Monday 26 May 2008, 5:48PM

By Green Party



Green Party 2008 Annual Conference Friday May 30 to Monday June 2, (with workshop details) at University of Auckland’s Waipapa Marae, and some sessions at Owen Glenn building.
Please note: All sessions open to media unless stated otherwise.
Day/time Event Venue

19.30-20:30 Valedictory talk and discussion with Nandor Tanczos MP Wharekai
20:30 - Meet the Greens MPs, music, socialising and drinks Wharekai


9.00-9.45 Welcome and Opening
Housekeeping and Notices Wharekai
9.45-10.15 Morning tea and transit Wharekai
10.30-11.30 Media Event: Co-leader’s (Jeanette Fitzsimons) speech L Th 4 Owen Glenn Bldg
11.35-12.15 Pledge session L Th 4 Owen Glenn Bldg
12.15-12.30 Transit Wharekai
12.30-13.30 Lunch Wharekai
13.30-15.00 Party AGM: Session 1 (closed to media) L Th 4, Owen Glenn bldg
15.00-15.30 Afternoon tea Wharekai
15.30-17.00 Party AGM: Session 2 (closed to media) L Th 4, Owen Glenn bldg
17:00-18.00 Open Forum on other topical issues L Th 4, Owen Glenn bldg
17:30 - 19.00 Bar open/Dinner Wharekai
19.10 - 20.10 Guest speaker - Rob Hamill Trans-Atlantic rower Wharenui
20.20-21:50 Ugly Shakespeare Company fundraiser production Wharekai
22:00 onwards Background music, bar and socialising Wharekai


9.00-9.45 Campaign Presentation 2008: Outline of campaign strategy, messages, timeline & resources (closed to media) Wharekai
9.45-10.45 Campaign Workshops Session 1.
Candidate Stream: Telling the Story of the Green Party Personality (closed to media)
Activist Stream 1: Building & Erecting Hoardings
Activist Stream 2: Utilising our Database for campaigning (closed to media)
Wharekai (lobby)
10.45-11.15 Morning tea and transit Wharekai
11.15-12.30 Media event - Meet the candidates
Co-Leader’s (Russel Norman) speech and meet some of the new Green candidates L Th 4, Owen Glen bldg
12.30-13.30 Lunch Wharekai Food Panel L Th 4, Owen Glen bldg

14.45-15.40 Electoral Finance Act & Party Processes
L Th 4, Owen Glen bldg

15.40-16.45 On the Ground Campaigning Skills Owen Glen bldg
16:45-17.15 Open Forum - West Papuan Forestry Campaign Wharekai
16.45-18.15 Young Greens AGM (closed to media) Rm 101
17.30-18.45 Bar open/Dinner Wharekai
19.30-20.30 Big Green Auction, followed by socialising - Nandor DJ Wharekai


9.00-9.30 Plenary Session
Policy Workshop Debate on key issues with Top 12 non-MP candidates Wharekei
9.30-10.30 Campaign Workshops Session 3
Candidate Stream: (closed to media)
Activist Stream 1: Linking with Supporter & Civil Society groups
Activist Stream 2: Digital Campaigning Opportunities
Rm 101

10.30-11.00 Morning tea Wharekai
11.00-12.15 Panel on Climate Change Wharekai
12.15-13.15 Lunch Wharekai
13.15-14.15 Plenary Session and Conference closing Wharenui