Annual Plan submissions

Whakatane District Council

Friday 30 May 2008, 1:54PM

By Whakatane District Council



Whakatane District Council Councillors were impressed with the quality of written and verbal submissions made to the draft Annual Plan 2008/09. 

This year we have not only seen a great number of submissions but more importantly the quality and presentation was of a high standard’, says Whakatane District Mayor Colin Holmes.

“We are now deliberating on the wide ranging issues raised in the submissions and are considering these before making any decisions. Our deliberations have been lively with some extensive and productive debates on how to address the issues of concern to our citizens”.

Mr Holmes says funding of capital projects was consistent theme of many submissions. A good example is the Warren Cole pedestrian/cycleway. While the submissions are generally in support of the proposal to build the Warren Cole pedestrian/cycleway, they question the funding of this project and other projects.

Although the Warren Cole pedestrian/cycleway is budgeted to cost $416,000 to build at least $228,000 or 55% is being subsidised by Land Transport New Zealand (LTNZ), with the balance of $188,000 or 45% from Harbour Fund reserves.

Mr Holmes said the Warren Cole project which originally had been budgeted under Parks and Reserves activity, was moved to Transportation activities following the Council’s adoption of the Walking and Cycling Strategy last year. The adoption of the Walking and Cycling Strategy made it possible for the Council to qualify and apply for funding from LTNZ, saving ratepayers money.

Mr Holmes says the Council is focusing on ensuring that it approves an Annual Plan with a realistic and achievable capital works programmes, without comprising service delivery.

“The Council is very much aware of the need to balance affordability in the current economic environment with the delivery of services and the need to invest in meeting the district’s future development requirements”.

He says the Council is very appreciative of all residents and ratepayers who made submissions. Every person who made their voice heard about a strategy or plan has contributed to the Annual Plan and the final product will reflect the commendable amount of community interest and input”.