Wanted: Thousands of Mori to Shape the Future

Maori Party

Wednesday 4 June 2008, 5:05PM

By Maori Party


Mori Party co-leader, Dr Pita Sharples, today sent out the call to whnau, hapk and iwi to search out their networks, sharing the message that ‘the future is in our hands’.

“It was a real shock today, to learn that 7352 Mori have been removed from the electoral roll because their enrolment packs have been returned ‘undeliverable’” said Dr Sharples. “That’s almost half the number of new enrolments that were achieved as a result of the 2006 Mori Electoral Option”.

“In fact out of the top ten electorates, exactly half were Mori electorates (Ikaroa Rawhiti 1157; Waiariki, 1180, Te Tai Tonga 1093, Hauraki Waikato 1045, Te Tai Hauauru 1005)” said Dr Sharples.

“But it gets worse….”.
“When I look at Auckland for instance, I know that it’s not just the 970 Mori removed from the Tamaki Makaurau roll to consider - but I dare say the 1207 people removed from the Auckland Central roll will also include many Mori ”.

“Electoral participation research tells us that Mori non-voters are also more likely to live in Auckland” said Dr Sharples.

“What we know from other research is that over half of those not enrolled but should be are aged 18-25; and we assume that many of these will be Maori given that the Mori age profile is far lower than non-Mori".

"We know also that there are a significant number of Mori who are not on any roll”.
“So what we’re saying to anyone who will listen, is a big shout out to get on the roll” said Dr Sharples. "Our Democracy Needs You".
“If we are concerned about decisions being made that affect the wellbeing of our whnau, hapk and iwi - and we are - then the message to tangata whenua is clear: GET ON THE ROLL!”