Vital to show leadership in confronting climate change

Green Party

Friday 6 June 2008, 11:11AM

By Green Party


Climate change is the Issue of our Generation and it’s vital that politicians show leadership when confronting this challenge, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

“It is disappointing that Peter Dunne is concerned only about the effects of tax cuts and opposes a price on carbon.

“We have already seen the effect of the Emissions Trading Scheme watered down because of industry lobbying about paying more. The whole purpose is to raise the price of using fossil fuels to make it more cost effective to be energy efficient and to move to renewable energy.

“Those who are prepared to change the ways they do things will be better off.”

However the Green Party is concerned that the Bill as it is proposed does not share the effort fairly.

“We are insisting that if the Bill is to have our support there must be a package of measures to help households adapt - such as much more money for home insulation and energy efficiency packages, more investment in public transport and an increase in benefits and the minimum wage,” Ms Fitzsimons says.

“It's abut giving people choices to do things in a low carbon way.

“It’s important that political party leaders raise their sights to see the big picture and show real leadership, despite election year temptations. Climate change is a huge threat and our children and grandchildren will be the losers if politicians let them down once again,” Ms Fitzsimons says.