New eco village an asset for Marlborough Sounds

Friday 6 June 2008, 3:30PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008



A new sustainable community-developed accommodation complex is an asset for the Marlborough Sounds and will be enjoyed by locals and visitors, Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today. 


“It is a pleasure to be here for the official opening of this eco village, and timely with New Zealand hosting the United Nations organised World Environment Day for the first time this week,” Steve Chadwick said.


The complex has been developed by the Mistletoe Bay Trust on Mistletoe Bay reserve and includes four whare/accommodation units, a communal cooking and dining meeting house and camping facilities.


“This has been a truly community-led initiative and an outstanding community achievement, resulting in a sustainable, eco-friendly tourist, conference and educational facility.


“The Trust’s drive to achieve this development is inspiring. They have done extremely well in harnessing the support of so many in the local and wider community to construct this village - individuals, groups, commercial and other organisations.


“I congratulate the Trust and all who have supported it. The village is an excellent example of the use of environmentally friendly and sustainable systems, including for water conservation, waste water treatment and solar heating.


“The Trust has used the latest technology to create a facility where people can enjoy the natural surroundings, and learn about sustainability.


“These new amenities enhance the Mistletoe Bay Reserve and encourage greater use of it. It is a place where local Marlborough people and visitors, such as those walking the Queen Charlotte Track, can relax in a beautiful, peaceful and natural setting.”


Under an agreement with DOC, the Mistletoe Bay Trust manages the area of the Reserve where the eco village is located. The complex opened to the public just before Christmas last year.