Increased fine for illegally parking in mobility spaces
A strong deterrent for illegally parking in spaces allocated to those displaying a Mobility Parking Permit will be introduced from 26 June.
The parking infringement for parking in a mobility carpark without a permit has been $40 to date. This fine will increase to $150 this month following to a change in Land Transport (Offences and Penalties) Amendment regulations.
Enforcement Manager Animal Care & Parking, Janice Burns says that the government are sending a strong signal to communicate that misuse of public mobility parking spaces will no longer be tolerated.
“Illegal parking in disability spaces is an ongoing problem nationally and certainly takes a disappointingly large amount of our parking team’s time and energy to enforce. Mobility parking is a critical aid for permit holders as they rely on these parking spaces for day to day access that others take for granted.”
Research undertaken by CCS Disability Action has shown that 50% of vehicles using a public mobility parking space in New Zealand were doing so illegally.(1)
Ms Burns says that historically penalties in New Zealand have been very low compared to international standards. In NSW, Australia, drivers are fined up to $545 for illegally parking in a public mobility space, while in the UK fines are as much as $3,000.