Community consultation determines no lane for Garden Place

Hamilton City Council

Wednesday 11 June 2008, 4:59PM

By Hamilton City Council



Annual plan meetings for 08/09 held this week saw important progression of the next phase of the CityHeart project including a decision to cease any further investigation of a lane though the northern end of Garden Place.

The CityHeart community consultation attracted a wide range of formal and informal submissions which influenced final recommendations. Whilst the majority of design concepts for CityHeart received wide public support, it was the proposal to introduce a vehicle lane into Garden Place that attracted significant public opposition.

Hamilton mayor Bob Simcock says that the consultation process was thorough and attracted input from city retailers, residents and workers alike.

“The public consultation period for the first phase of CityHeart has extended over five months. It has been most encouraging that Hamilton residents and businesses have chosen to engage fully on the issue and it is reassuring for all that as we enter the next critical phase that quality feedback has been received, heard and has been responded to appropriately.

“As the CityHeart project affects large sections of our inner city, the approach to the project will be a progression of a number of smaller, incremental projects in order to minimise disruption.

“Importantly however, CityHeart’s success relies on much more than just a sensible approach to the built environment. The introduction of active spaces and incentives to will drive regeneration. This will be achieved through the extension of the events strategy, investigation of trading regulations plus the review of the District Plan and rating provisions, all being designed to increase energy and activity in the central city.”

Key works and investigations approved to proceed in 08/09 were:

Victoria Street Streetscape

  • Improving Victoria Street between Hood and Bryce to create a more pedestrian friendly environment. Work includes reduction to one lane each way, widening medians, bus stopping priorities and some paving replacement work. The number of on-street car parking spaces will also be increased.

Ward Street Two-Waying

  • The two-waying of Ward Street was adopted in principle subject to a number of matters being reported back to Council before the detailed design and construction occurs. Design investigation includes removal of the Worley roundabout, improved lighting, removal of shrubbery, cobbled streetscape and an iconic covered walkway.

Garden Place

  • Initial safety improvements will be made in Garden Place which include the removal of the Peace Wall and the old fountain as well as removal of low lying vegetation to improve visibility. A detailed design for Garden Place will also be developed including further consideration of the Worley Place/Alexander Street link.

Claudelands Pedestrian Link

  • Further investigation of the Claudelands Bridge 'clip on' including the pedestrian link to the redeveloped Claudelands Entertainment Centre via O’Neill St,

Business Improvement District (BID) Approach

  • $20,000 of funding was allocated for the establishment of a BID including an investigation to determine the level of business interest in the establishment of a district association for the CityHeart.