Council agrees changes to 2008/09 Annual Plan

Waitaki District Council

Thursday 12 June 2008, 2:48PM

By Waitaki District Council



Waitaki District Council met on Tuesday 10 June to discuss changes to the Draft Annual Plan for 2008/09 arising from submissions. 99 submissions were received to the Draft Plan on a range of issues. 45 submitters attended submission hearings in May to present their views in person to Council.


At the 10 June Council meeting a number of changes to the Annual Plan were agreed.

The Council decided to allocate $30,000 to the roading budget to begin work on wilding tree clearance on road sides, in response to requests from submitters for this work. A number of submissions expressed concern that action was needed to address erosion in the Oamaru harbour. Council agreed to loan fund $30,000 next year to fund erosion protection design work and related consents at the north end of Oamaru harbour.


Some submissions were received on the future of the Hampden Transfer Station. Following a review of the District’s waste services, Council had previously decided to close the Hampden Transfer station. The Council agreed at its June meeting that the station will remain open until the new Waste Management Strategy has been adopted. The Waste Management Strategy will address the long term future of this transfer station.


Four submissions were received requesting that Council consider developing skateparks outside Oamaru. The Council agreed to provide an additional $10,000 from Resource Management Act Reserve Contributions to develop skateboard facilities across the District. This funding will have no impact on rates. The Council will consider skateboard facilities later this year when it reviews a Draft Playground Strategy for the District.


A number of submissions raised issues regarding how Council services are funded. These submissions have been referred to be considered as part of the review of Council’s Funding Policy. The Council will be consulting on changes to this policy in its 2009 – 2019 Community Plan during March and April 2009.


The parks and recreation budget was also increased by $19,000 to reflect contract costs, and a further $25,000 was allocated to make the Museum archivist position full-time. A number of other changes were also agreed to at the meeting.


The total increase in rates proposed in the Draft Annual Plan was 6.4%. With the changes agreed at the 10 June meeting, the overall rates increase for 2008/09 is now 6.6%. The Council will meet later in June to formally adopt the Annual Plan for 2008/09 with the changes discussed above. Submitters to the Annual Plan will be contacted following this to advise them of the outcome of their submission.