Notice of Motion - Monte Ohia and Sonny Sewell

Te Ururoa Flavell

Tuesday 17 June 2008, 5:46PM

By Te Ururoa Flavell


The following notice of motion was raised in the House today by Member of Parliament for Waiariki, Te Ururoa Flavell.

"I seek leave to move without notice and without debate a motion in my name with regard to the deaths of two eminent New Zealanders.

I move, That the House acknowledge the passing of

  • Monte Rereamoamo Ohia of Ngti Pkkenga, Ngi Te Rangi, Ngti Ranginui and Te Arawa, a nationally and internationally respected educational leader who advanced developments in wananga, New Zealand Qualifications Authority, Ministry and Department of Education, Polytechnics, Universities for over three decades;
  • and acknowledge also the passing of respected Tuhourangi kaumatua Rangi Te Puru Sydney (Sonny) Sewell, one of Te Arawa’s last members of the 28th Maori Battalion; and
  • agree that this House expresses our sincere sympathies to the whanau and friends of these two men who have made such a significant contribution to our nation".