Solid Waste Subcommittee

Waitaki District Council

Wednesday 18 June 2008, 6:29PM

By Waitaki District Council



The progression of kerbside refuse and recycling collection within the Waitaki District took another step forward this week with the Assets Committee recommending that Council adopt terms of reference for the Solid Waste subcommittee.

The subcommittee was formed following Council’s decision on the 20 May to terminate the Request For Proposal for Waste Management Services.

The purpose of the subcommittee is to establish a credible and robust way forward to implement a kerbside recycling service that meets Council’s targets in the short term and supports the longer term diversion of waste from landfill.

The Assets Committee has recommended to Council (which will meet on the 30th June) that the subcommittee focus on kerbside solid waste collection and endeavour to seek possible solutions by identifying and talking to key stakeholders. The subcommittee will present its findings and recommendations to Council and seek costings for Councils’ preferred options.