Council praised for quality communications

Taupo District Council

Wednesday 18 June 2008, 7:47PM

By Taupo District Council



The Taupo District Council was awarded third place at the 2008 Local Government Communications Forum last week.

Around 12 councils from around New Zealand entered the competition in which various communication projects were judged. Taupo District Council was recognised for the way it engages with its ‘stakeholders’: residents, ratepayers and businesses.

Mayor Rick Cooper is thrilled with the result. “This strikes to the heart of the Council – we want to be open, transparent and involve the community in all our decisions,” he says.

Some of the key aspects of the Council’s aim to communicate more actively with the community include: monthly Mayoral Forums with business owners; informal coffee meetings between Mayor Rick, CEO Rob Williams and members of the community; increased Council information in the local media including Councillor columns; and easier communication with Councillors via a new email address –

The winning entry was from Rotorua District Council with a project to rebrand its District Plan. Runner-up was Environment Waikato with its Seven Wonders of the Waikato campaign.