Greens challenge Key to reveal Nationals version of ETS

Green Party

Friday 20 June 2008, 8:38AM

By Green Party


The Green Party is challenging National Leader John Key to come clean on what kind of emissions trading scheme his party would introduce if it becomes Government later this year.

National opposes the Government’s proposed Emissions Trading Scheme, but has been silent on what kind of scheme it would propose instead, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

Ms Fitzsimons yesterday wrote to Mr Key, challenging him to disclose National’s plans for reducing climate change and meeting New Zealand’s obligations under the Kyoto agreement.

“The Green Party has been working very hard to ensure that the Government’s proposed scheme will be effective against climate change, fair to New Zealand businesses and affordable for Kiwi families.

In her letter Ms Fitzsimons said: “We agree with you that we should explore earlier entry for nitrous oxide, because there are cost-effective options for farmers in this area, and because better control of nitrates is required for water quality reasons too. So, what earlier date would you set?

“We share your concern that the delay in entry for the transport sector devalues forestry credits by reducing their market. Can we assume then that you would bring transport in on the original timetable, in 2009? Or perhaps that you agree with our proposal to phase it in over several years?”

The Green Party believes the need for action is urgent and agrees with National that the Bill before the House, as it stands, has major flaws, but parties and the public need to know what alternative proposals National has to meet that challenge, Ms Fitzsimons says.