Telecommunications Commissioner consults on Next Generation Networks study

Commerce Commission

Monday 23 June 2008, 12:10PM

By Commerce Commission


Telecommunications Commissioner Dr Ross Patterson has today released a questionnaire which seeks feedback on a number of issues likely to be relevant to the Commerce Commission's study into Next Generation Networks (NGN). This follows the release of the NGN Study terms of reference in May 2008.

Dr Patterson said, "The Commission wants to engage widely with interested parties and ensure the broadest possible range of views is represented. The responses to these questions will provide a valuable input to the NGN study, along with a planned set of Commission meetings with key market players as well as industry and consumer groups."

"The study focuses on understanding the key technological developments that will emerge during the next five years and their impact on the commercial and competitive environment for telecommunications services."

The questionnaire asks a number of open ended questions under the four areas of Services, Architecture, Transition and Environment. Responses are sought by 29 August 2008. The Commission has set up a dedicated email address for comments that people may wish to raise directly with the Commission on the NGN study. The email address is

The Commission is also holding a two day NGN conference with addresses from international and local speakers in Auckland on 9 – 10 October 2008. The conference will be open to the public.

Further details of the NGN study, including the questionnaire, are available on the Commission's website under Industry Regulation/Telecommunications/Inquiries, Reviews and Studies.

Services Covering the commercial and technical models and functions required to support the retail and wholesale services in the NGN operating environment.

Architecture Seeking information about the technical and commercial issues around the multiple NGNs, NGANs, and service providers operating in the market to provide innovative services to end users.

Transition Exploring the issues around service continuity and user education where changes to current basic consumer services are occurring through technology evolution.

Environment Covering broader cross industry issues effecting the NGN environment.