Water upgrades
In anticipation of forecast growth the Queenstown Lakes District Council has been preparing a schedule of upgrades for both the drinking water supply and wastewater disposal, QLDC acting water services manager John Porter said.
“The council will upgrade the entire major pipelines network in Sunshine Bay, Gorge Road, Central Queenstown, Frankton Track, Frankton Flats, and Kelvin Heights,” Mr Porter said.
At present during periods of peak demand, some intake pumps operate at full capacity.
“In order to provide a safe drinking water supply and sufficient flows for future peak water demands, upgrades will be taking place at the Kelvin Heights pump station, the Two-mile pump station, and the Leary's Gully pump station over the next 18 months,” Mr Porter said.
These upgrades would take place in stages and would be completed as individual projects. The first two projects to be completed were an upgrade of the Kelvin Heights pump station, beginning next month, and an upgrade of the Two-mile pump station.
The first of the waste water upgrades would also take place at Kelvin Heights beginning in August.
“The council will undertake an upgrade of the entire Queenstown wastewater major pipelines network, including mains and pump stations in Sunshine Bay, Gorge Road, Central Queenstown, Frankton Track, Frankton Flats, and Kelvin Heights,” Mr Porter said.
These works would also be done in sections taking place as individual projects.
“Wastewater major pipeline upgrades will be on-going over the next three years,” Mr Porter said.
Both Kelvin Heights upgrades will require a temporary detour to be introduced at times on the Kelvin Heights track.