Extra time for South Taranaki, Inglewood bus trials

Taranaki Regional Council

Wednesday 25 June 2008, 2:34PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Trial bus services to and from smaller centres in Taranaki have been extended until June next year.

Passenger numbers are meeting trial criteria so far on the weekly South Link services between Hawera and Waverley, Hawera and Opunake, and Opunake and New Plymouth, and on the weekly service linking Inglewood and New Plymouth.

But the Taranaki Regional Council, which is funding the trial services, warns that it is a case of “use it or lose it” and consistent passenger numbers are required if the buses are to keep running beyond the end of the trial on 30 June, 2009.

The Inglewood trial was originally due to end on 30 October this year, and the South Link trials on 31 December. The Council has agreed to the extensions so the trials all end at the same time and at the start of a new financial year.

The Council’s Director-Operations, Rob Phillips, says average passenger numbers on each of the services are meeting the trial criteria of at least six per trip.

“There have been some fluctuations but numbers are generally trending up. We need this to continue,” he says.

“We’ve also surveyed bus users and note that there is demand for more services, particularly from Inglewood and from Opunake. That will be taken into account in future decision-making but what we need in these trials is consistently good passenger usage.”

The Waverley-Hawera, Opunake-Hawera and Ingewood-New Plymouth return services operate on Thursdays. The Opunake-New Plymouth return service operates on a Friday.

Information on fares, timetables and routes are available at local libraries and information centres, and at