NZ welcomes major breakthrough on future of IWC

Wednesday 25 June 2008, 6:21PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


New Zealand has welcomed a major breakthrough at the 60th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), Conservation Minister Steve Chadwick said today.

“This a major step forward - for the first time in 20 years we have agreed to a concrete process to talk about the substantive issues that divide us,” Steve Chadwick said.

“Members of the Commission have always known what these issues are, but until now have never agreed to sit down together and try to find a way out of the impasse.

“The breakthrough has come in two parts. The first relates to procedural changes, and the second to the creation of a process towards the resolution of substantive issues that have gridlocked the Commission,” she said.

With regard to procedural changes, the IWC has agreed to change the rules of engagement under which meetings operate, in the hope of developing an atmosphere more conducive to change.

The establishment of a small working group, which is the second development, will allow substantive issues that have persisted in dividing the Commission to be addressed.

“I welcome the establishment of a working group, which includes New Zealand, that will examine and attempt to resolve 33 significant issues.”

The Minister told the plenary meeting that New Zealand pledges itself to be an active participant to the process, that success is not assured and the task ahead is formidable.

“New Zealand is a staunch advocate for whales, we support the moratorium and wish to see an end to special permit whaling.

“All members of the IWC have agreed to this development and this is a major breakthrough.”

Minister’s full intervention is attached. Documents agreed to by the IWC Commissioners available at: