Supergrans to the Rescue
Supergrans might not have x-ray vision or the ability to fly, but they are making a world of difference to many people throughout New Zealand.
Supergrans is a community organisation that provides free practical tuition to people who need to learn about household management and home maker's skills.
The service is based around volunteers (with plenty of life-experience) who work one-on-one with clients to pass on basic life-skills such as cooking, shopping, cleaning, budgeting and organisation. Their clients include young families, recent immigrants, mental health consumers and the elderly.
According to their co-founder Erin McMenamin, Supergrans is about providing people with the tools to make the most out of the resources available to them, "Supergrans is about providing people with the skills to help themselves. We help people with everything from financial goal-setting to cooking rissoles."
The group was formed in Hutt City in 1994 and have proved so successful that they have since expanded to include eight branches across New Zealand and another in Australia.
In the March round of general grants, Wellington City Council allocated $7000 from the social pool to Supergrans to help them establish a dedicated branch for Wellington city.
Supergrans was one of many groups to benefit from the $381,234 of funding allocated in the March grants round. Grants Subcommittee Chairperson Councillor Hayley Wain says she's delighted the Council was able to support such a wide range of projects.
"In the last round we funded everything from a Matariki Waka race to an exhibition of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions. We look forward to receiving an equally diverse array of applications for the next round."
Wellington City Council is currently accepting funding applications for not-for-profit community groups and organisations undertaking projects that benefit the city socially, culturally, economically or environmentally. The deadline for the current grants round is 31 July.
For more information about grants, including a grants calendar, application forms, seminar dates, past allocations and guides to completing your application, visit Grants online, or phone the Council on (04) 499 4444.