Rail Buyback A Taxpayer Dog

Tuesday 1 July 2008, 1:55PM

By Rodney Hide


Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen admits that it's not possible to run KiwiRail 'without significant financial support from the New Zealand taxpayer' - that means that taxpayers are up for hundreds of millions of dollars in costs without any return, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.

"The Government's decision is entirely political, not strategic. The tragedy is that it's the poor taxpayer who's footing the bill - not Dr Cullen," Mr Hide said.

"The political nature of the deal is obvious with the appointment of the Right Honourable Jim Bolger as Chair. It wasn't long ago that Prime Minister Helen Clark and Dr Cullen were pointing out Mr Bolger's shortcomings and failings.

"Of course, they would say they were just playing politics back then. The trouble is, they haven't stopped and it's the poor taxpayer and the country that's the loser," Mr Hide said.