Draft Waterfront Development Plan 2008/09

Wellington City Council

Thursday 3 July 2008, 12:13PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington City Council would like your views on the draft Waterfront Development Plan for 2008/09.


The Wellington Waterfront Framework, adopted in 2001, is the basis for all development on the waterfront. Each year, the Council develops an annual plan outlining immediate priorities and plans for the waterfront. Public submissions are an integral part of this process.

The draft Waterfront Development Plan proposes:

* further planning work (including commercial and public space projects) for the remaining Kumutoto sites, Frank Kitts Park, Taranaki Street and Queens wharves
* continued planning work on the Taranaki Street Wharf lagoon
* continued work with the Wellington Tenths Trust on the design and development of the wharewaka.

The draft plan focuses only on the 2008/09 year. This is to accommodate both the adjusted timings of commercial payments, and the Council's resolution to review the years 2009/10 to 2019/20 as part of the Long-Term Community Council Plan.

* Draft Waterfront Development Plan 2008/09 (1.90Mb PDF)
* Online Submission Form


To give the Council your feedback on the draft Waterfront Development Plan, read the plan below and complete the submission form. The deadline for feedback is 5.00pm on Thursday 31 July 2008.

The submission form is also available in a printable version which can be posted.

Printable Submission Form (1.90Mb PDF)

Alternatively, the brochure and form are available:

* at the Council reception desk at 101 Wakefield Street
* from Council Service Centres and libraries
* by post - contact the Council for your copy.

More Information

Warren Ulusele
Council Controlled Organisations
Phone: (04) 499 4444