Earthquake Prone Building Policy
Wellington City Council would like your views on a proposed amendment to its Earthquake Prone Building Policy.
Since 2006 the Council has used an Initial Evaluation Procedure (IEP) process to check the quake-resistance of buildings in the city. This follows the introduction of tougher earthquake-strengthening rules as part of the revised Building Act 2004.
The IEP process affects more than 3000 buildings built before 1976 that may need further strengthening.
The Council's experience in enforcing quake-strengthening rules has concluded that some current requirements are overly restrictive, posing risks to the city economy and the future of many buildings. This includes:
* the 5, 10 and 15-year strengthening deadlines
* and the one-third of capital value of works as a trigger for strengthening.
The amendment proposes four key changes to this policy:
* extending the current maximum strengthening timeframes for buildings identified since 2006 as earthquake prone
* removing the one-third capital value strengthening trigger
* allowing owners of two or more potentially earthquake prone buildings to negotiate a strengthening plan
* permitting Council officers with the appropriate authority to amend Earthquake Prone Building (EQPB) notices.
To give the Council your feedback on the Earthquake Prone Building Policy amendments, read the summary of information below and complete the submission form. The deadline for feedback is: 5.00pm on Friday 8 August 2008.
* Revised Earthquake Prone Building Policy - Summary of Information (151Kb PDF)
* Online Submission Form
The submission form is also available in a printable version which can be posted.
Printable Submission Form (34Kb PDF)
Alternatively, the report and form are available:
* at the Council reception desk at 101 Wakefield Street
* from Council Service Centres and libraries
* by post - contact the Council for your copy.
More Information
Chris Linnell
Senior Policy Advisor, Policy Unit
Phone: (04) 499 4444