Now Not The Time For 'Steady As She Goes'
ACT Leader Rodney Hide today accused the Labour-led Government's growth-busting policies of hurting New Zealanders and their families - and predicted that things are only going to get worse.
"Labour's growth-busting political programme has had the effect we knew it would. Prime Minister Helen Clark can't blame bad luck or international events: it's her policies that have made it tough now for Kiwi families," Mr Hide said.
"Meanwhile, National's approach is to stick with Labour's spending track while also retaining Labour's policies. This means that we will be stuck with the same old results.
"ACT is the only Party with a comprehensive strategy to improve the state of the economy and help Kiwi families. Our 20-Point Plan is focussed on baking a bigger economic cake - rather than carving up what we already have.
"A vote for ACT is a vote for a change of Government, and for the change of direction this country so desperately needs. That's the key message ACT is getting out during this election campaign," Mr Hide said.