Creative NZ Arts Board reappointment announced

Wednesday 9 July 2008, 5:14PM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008



The Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon Judith Tizard, today announced the reappointment of Terry Snow to the Creative New Zealand Arts Board for a three year term from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2011. 

Terry Snow is an Auckland journalist who has participated in and covered the arts extensively over more than 30 years in New Zealand, the UK and the Netherlands. He was editor of the New Zealand Listener from 1991 until 1995, following periods as Arts Editor and Assistant Editor. He has an extensive background as an editor and author in the arts and in other areas of publishing.

Mr Snow was appointed to the Arts Board in 2005, and is a former member of both the Advertising Standards Complaints Board and the New Zealand Press Council.

“I am pleased that Mr Snow has agreed to serve another term on the Creative New Zealand Arts Board. He brings valuable management skills, many years of engagement in the arts, and broad governance experience to the Arts Board,” said Judith Tizard.

Creative New Zealand encourages, promotes and supports the arts in New Zealand for the benefit of all New Zealanders. The Council is responsible for overall policy development and is the “public face” of the organisation, determining the division of funding between the Arts Board and Te Waka Toi.

The Arts Board of Creative New Zealand promotes and supports the arts by developing art-form policy, allocating grants and carrying out initiatives that support the strategic direction set by the Arts Council. Te Waka Toi is responsible for encouraging, promoting and supporting Mori arts through the allocation of funding to Mori artists, arts organisations, and arts projects.