Royal Society is clear: deniers are mischief makers

Green Party

Thursday 10 July 2008, 2:04PM

By Green Party


The Green Party welcomes the unambiguous statement today by the Royal Society of New Zealand’s expert committee on climate.

“The New Zealand public is frustrated that progress on addressing climate change has been hampered by myths parading as science, when the consensus among climate scientists has been remarkably clear,” Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman says.

“The Royal Society’s statement clarifies the links between climate change, increased greenhouse gases and increased emissions from human activity – and is therefore welcome reassurance to the public.

“However, some lobby groups with vested interests and anti-environmental agendas continue to try to spread scepticism in New Zealand – but we trust in the science,” Dr Norman says.

“Political scientists just last month reported that over 90 percent of ‘environmentally sceptical’ books in the US were linked to conservative think tanks.

“The report also noted that the tactic of seeding scepticism on issues such as climate change had ‘contributed to the decline in US support for environmental protection in recent decades’”.

“The Green Party stands with scientists to ensure such lobbies do not scuttle New Zealand’s contribution to addressing climate change.

“The Green Party is proud to have led the policies identified by the Royal Society: energy efficiency, renewable energy, reducing high-carbon fuels, public transport and biofuels, stopping deforestation, planting more trees, and reducing agricultural emissions.

“We owe it to the generations not yet born and to the millions of people who are already facing food shortages and climatic disruption from human-induced climate change.”