Allocation of Lottery funding announced

Friday 11 July 2008, 1:12AM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board will distribute $102.91 million to its distribution committees and $63.34 million to the statutory bodies that it funds in 2008 / 2009.

Announcing the allocations today, Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker, said that he is pleased with this result.

”Despite lower Lottery profit forecasts, we have been able to maintain funding levels, with both Lottery distribution committees and statutory bodies receiving the same base allocation this year as was distributed last year,” Mr Barker said.

“We also now have two new committees, the Lottery Community Sector Research Fund and the Lottery Significant Projects Fund, who will also receive allocations.

Profits from state lotteries run by the New Zealand Lotteries Commission are distributed by the Lottery Grants Board, which allocates funds to three statutory bodies and to 22 Lottery distribution committees and sub-committees, each with a specific funding focus.

The Lottery Grants Board provides funding for a range of social, community, arts, heritage, sports, recreation, and health research services and projects which strengthen and have a positive impact on communities.

Regional and national community committees were allocated $38.43 million.

A total of $64.47 million was allocated to specialist distribution committees - Community Facilities, Community Sector Research, Environment and Heritage, Health Research, Individuals with Disabilities, Marae Heritage and Facilities, Minister’s Discretionary, Outdoor Safety, Pacific Provider Development, and Significant Projects.

The Board’s statutory bodies - Creative New Zealand, the New Zealand Film Commission (including funding for the New Zealand Film Archive), and Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC) - will together receive $63.34 million.

For more information on Lottery grants see or