Delays for crown range

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 14 July 2008, 7:30PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



There will be short delays on the Crown Range Road tomorrow as minor remedial repairs are carried out on the alpine pass, Queenstown Lakes District Council roading manager Ian Marshall said.

“The freeze thaw conditions have meant that a section of road, due to be reconstructed, has deteriorated faster in the winter conditions than we would like,” Mr Marshall said.

Contractor Downer EDI Works would undertake remedial work on an approximately 200 metre section of the road on the Wanaka side of the top section of the road.

“We intend to let the bulk of the early morning ski traffic through the road before undertaking the work which will result in short delays,” Mr Marshall said.

It was hoped the remedial repairs would hold the pavement over until the renewal work could be done later in the year.