Million Dollar leg guy auctions first advert tattooed on leg

Word of Mouth Media NZ

Thursday 17 July 2008, 2:16PM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ



James Stewart, the young Christchurch man seeking $1 million of artwork on his leg, had the outline for the first artwork -advertisement tattooed on his leg today.

He is auctioning half of it off on the Zillion auction website and the other half on eBay.

Stewart is seeking 2000 $500 artwork adverts on his leg – which can also be seen on his website:

Zillion, an online auction competitor to Trade Me, and Apage, an online social networking and games site, were the first to advertise on Stewart’s leg.

The Guardian in the UK, Greek marketing magazine Ad Business and Spanish newspaper El Mundo have been among the foreign media outlets to highlight the million dollar leg bid along with great media coverage in New Zealand.

Zillion spokesman Dylan Bland said people with Stewart’s level of commitment to their dreams did not come along every day.

``We would like to see him succeed and admire that he is willing to literally put his body on the line to take marketing and New Zealand art to the next level. Zillion is supporting the Million Dollar Leg by hosting an auction for half (20cm) of a tattoo on his leg with a reserve of $2,000 and promoting it with contra advertising.’’

Apage spokesman Brendan Smith said they wanted to be part of the project for two reasons.

``It is close to our heart as it is something truly Kiwi and out there. Secondly, the exposure of something so unique and innovative, as a Kiwi it is in our nature to back it.’’

To promote the listing James is hanging 30 painted keyboards around Christchurch CBD today. Due to his tight budget for marketing he says he has had to think of alternative guerrilla marketing stunts that keep the public entertained, but more importantly involved.

He also claims to have an idea for a whole new art form that he has been experimenting with and plans to reveal it as a nationwide art competition that everyone is open to participate in soon.

Stewart said the idea was inspired by the Million Dollar Homepage. He expected it would take three months to get all the advertisers on board depending on media coverage and popularity. He is aiming for sponsorship from leading corporate companies who are making a difference and donating to charity.