Environmental Health Costs Review to Reduce Ratepayer Burden

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 22 July 2008, 7:09PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



A review of the pricing structure of environmental health services in the Queenstown Lakes District will lessen the burden on ratepayers,” QLDC corporate and regulatory general manager Roger Taylor said.

Full council would be asked to adopt the new pricing schedule for environmental health fees at Friday’s meeting.

“The total cost of delivering environmental health services in this district is $448,557. Even with the revision in prices the balance of $223,156 will still be funded from the general rate,’ Mr Taylor said.

The pricing structure had not been reviewed for a decade.

The increase was also an exception to the average overall charge-out rates for Lakes Environmental Limited under the new service agreement with the council, which had seen an overall charge reduction of 6.8 percent.

“What is being proposed here is quite a high percentage increase in prices, although the nominal increase is reasonable, given the need to both help offset the cost to the ratepayer and reflect 10 years of nil increase,” Mr Taylor said.

For example the new premises set up fee, currently $354.38 was proposed to increase to $787, an increase of $432.62 or 122 percent.

“Food stall permits as a ‘one-off’ have increased from $11.25 to $50, which if you look at the percentage is a 344 percent increase but not necessarily a significant sum of money is involved,” Mr Taylor said.

He noted that Lakes Environmental would continue its policy to consider waiving fees for non-profit organisations.

Other increases included hairdresser registration, an increase of $140.76 (72 percent) and camp ground registration, an increase of $149.12 (76 percent).

“There is also an alternative available to food proprietors to adopt a Food Control Plan under the Food Act 1981, the fees being set by central government,” Mr Taylor said.

The council would be asked to adopt the revised fee structure which would then take effect immediately.