Welcome to Parliament Ngai Tuhoe! - Maori Party

Maori Party

Thursday 31 July 2008, 7:43PM

By Maori Party


He ra whakahirahira tenei i tae mai ai Ngai Tuhoe ki te Whanganui a Tara ki te tamoko kawenata me te kawanatanga kia tatu ai a ratou take whenua, hei ta te Ropu Maori.
“Whai muri tata mai i te tomokanga o Ruatoki e te kawanatanga, ka heke mai nga uri a Hinepukohurangi raua ko Te Maunga ki ‘nga pukohu tairi mai i Poneke’, e ai ki Te Kooti Rikirangi, ki te tomo i te pa tuwatawata o te kawanatanga, kia tatu ai nga take katoa i whakakeke ai Ngai Tuhoe ki te rohe potae o Te Urewera,” te kii a Te Ururoa Flavell, Mangai mo nga Take Tiriti, Mema Paremata hoki mo Te Waiariki.
“Ka kitea i te ra nei, te manawanui o Tuhoe kia kaua e hoki whakamuri, engari kia kokiritia tonutia a ratou take.
“Kei te tautoko matou o te Ropu Maori i te pohiri a te Paremata ki te iwi, kia haere mai ki te whakatakoto i a ratou take ki mua i te aroaro o te motu whanui.
“Kei te mihi matou ki nga rangatira, ki nga hapu o Ngai Tuhoe kua tahuri mai, kua takahi mai i tenei huarahi, ki te rapu oranga mo te iwi. Ehara tenei i te mahi mama noa iho.
“Ko te tumanako, ka rongo te Paremata i te taumaha o enei take, i te hohonu o enei korero, i nga tangi o tenei iwi, a, ka korero rangatira atu ki te rangatira,” hei ta Te Ururoa.
“Me penei te korero: ko te tikanga kawanatanga mo te whakahaere korero penei, he whakawa i te iwi. He uauatanga ma te iwi hei hapai ki tona tutukitanga. Heoi ano, kei te tautoko te Ropu Maori i nga iwi katoa e rapu oranga ana i raro i nga ture o te motu.
“Ahakoa pehea nga taumahatanga o enei whakahaere, ka whakaae matou kia takoto mai te ture whakapumau i nga whakatau a te iwi me te Karauna, kia wetekia, kia wherawherahia, kia whiria nga take, kia kite ai te marea.
“No reira, Tuhoe moumou kai, moumou taonga, moumou tangata ki te po!
Haere mai ki te ana raiona, ki te pa tuwatawata o te kawanatanga!
Haere mai, haere mai, haere mai!”


Whakapa mai ki: Andrew Robb, Kaitohutohu kawenga korero 029- 482 8494Welcome to Parliament Ngai Tuhoe! - Maori Party
Te Ururoa Flavell, MP for Te Waiariki 31 July 2008

Today is an auspicious day, according to the Maori Party, when Ngai Tuhoe has come to Wellington to sign an agreement with the Crown to settle their historical claims.
“So soon after Ruatoki was invaded, the ‘Children of the Mist’ have encountered what Te Kooti Rikirangi described as ‘the mists hanging over Wellington’, to enter the stone walls of Parliament, to lay to rest the issues they have maintained in the mountain retreat of the Urewera,” said Te Ururoa Flavell, Treaty Issues spokesperson and MP for Te Waiariki.
“Today we see the determination of Ngai Tuhoe not to withdraw, but to carry forward their business.
“The Maori Party supports Parliament’s welcome to the iwi, to come and lay their issues before the nation,” said Mr Flavell.
“We salute the leadership of the hapu of Ngai Tuhoe who have chosen to follow this path to seek salvation for their people. This is no easy task
“We hope Parliament gets a real sense of the weight of these issues, the depth of the discussions, and the pain of the people, and acknowledges the leadership with due respect.
“We know that the government’s processes for dealing with claims place huge demands on the iwi, burdens which make it so difficult to conclude the claims. Nevertheless, the Maori Party supports the efforts of iwi to make the best of their situation under current laws,” he said.
“In spite of the problems with the process, the Maori Party supports the introduction of legislation confirming agreements between iwi and the Crown, so the issues can be teased out, examined and discussed in a public forum.
“So, into the lion’s den, the citadel of government - we welcome Ngai Tuhoe – a people unstinting in their generosity, and uncompromising in battle! “