Lottery grant gives Nelsons athletes a new stadium

Friday 1 August 2008, 12:56AM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008



Thanks to a grant of up to $784,892 from the Lottery Significant Projects Fund, Nelson will soon have a new multi-sport, indoor stadium. The grant was made to the Saxton Field Sports Stadium Society and will fund the completion of the new facility.

Internal Affairs Minister Rick Barker said the new stadium will go a long way towards meeting the sports and recreation needs of the surrounding communities.

"Whether for volleyball, table tennis, badminton, basketball, or any other physical activity, people of all ages will benefit from this new facility," Mr Barker said.

"With five netball and basketball courts, twelve volleyball courts, an independent table tennis pod, and sports administration offices, the new stadium will be a major asset to the region.

"This venue will allow the Nelson region to host regional, national and international sporting events. Athletes and sporting enthusiasts will benefit from the stadium and the venue will also be able to host major commercial events to benefit the whole region."

Nelson City Council, which will own and maintain the stadium, provided the land and over $6.25 million towards the project. Tasman District Council contributed over $3.7 million. Local community sources have also made significant contributions, with $200,000 from Nelson Netball, $60,000 from Nelson Volleyball and $50,000 from Nelson Tennis. The Saxton Field Stadium project has also received $400,000 from the Lotteries Community Facilities Fund. The total project will cost $12.5 million.

The Lottery Significant Projects Fund provides opportunities for the development of projects that are of benefit to the wider community at regional or national level.

The Fund is for projects that have received funding from other sources, including the community, which are still unable to raise sufficient money to complete the project. Funding is to complete large community capital expenditure projects costing at least $1 million in total.

Projects must contribute to one or more of the areas of arts, culture and heritage, sport and recreation, conservation and the environment. The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board has allocated $16 million for distribution to significant projects in 2008/09.

Funding decisions are made by the Lottery Significant Projects Distribution Committee.

Lottery funds come from the profits of the NZ Lotteries Commission. The NZ Lottery Grants Board is an independent decision making body. It sets policy and allocates funds to be distributed by Distribution Committees.

For more information on Lottery grants see or