Strong criteria key to success of Broadband Fund

Friday 1 August 2008, 12:57AM

By New Zealand Government 2005-2008


Communications and Information Technology Minister David Cunliffe has thanked contributors for the extensive feedback they have provided on the criteria for the Broadband Investment Fund.

“The Broadband Investment Fund, which was announced in Budget 2008, provides $340 million of contestable funding to support the roll-out of high-speed broadband. This is part of the government’s $500 million investment in digital development.

“The government is committed to accelerating New Zealand on a pathway to widespread deployment of fibre-to-the-home in the future, cheaper and faster broadband for all consumers, and the substantial economic gains that will result,” said Mr Cunliffe.

“Strong partnerships and collaboration between central and local government, the private sector and communities are critical to achieving our broadband aspirations. Therefore input from the sector on the draft eligibility criteria for the fund has been critical.

“I want to thank contributors for their valuable input. As a result of feedback there is some fine-tuning underway and I expect to officially announce the final criteria toward the end of August.”